Thursday, March 12, 2009


Yes, there is progress! After untold hours of endless options and slow websites, I finally have booked two flights and a B&B. We've got a Bed & Breakfast on the island of Capri for a night. THAT is going to be amazing! Flights from Venice to Amsterdam and from Barcelona to Berlin are also in hand. It's so nice to have some sort of concrete dates to work around.

OK... so get this, I book this flight from Barcelona to Berlin and 5 minutes later realize that I booked it for the wrong date! ACK! After a couple calls to the airline and one to my credit card company I got the flight changed. For free!! :-) Amazing...

So, here's two new airlines and travel sites for you travel bugs:

Air Berlin: Cheap flights to and from, yeah... Berlin! Cheap flights across Europe on multiple budget airlines.

Oh yeah... and the perpetual fav that pointed me on to these two new gems.

Happy Living!



  1. woot woot! You're amazing, Rowan.

  2. Kelsey Mickelson and I are planning on staying in europe after a missions trip in Ukraine...and we were trying to find cheaper flights! Thanks for the forward!!! :D
